GIANT Publications

Journal Articles

  1. Lin, M., Chen, H., & Golecki, H. M. (2023). HUG Initiative: Overcoming roadblocks on a research career roadmap of individuals from historically marginalized or underrepresented genders. Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, 10.

Conference Proceedings

  1. Espenhahn, L., Raftery, E., Lin, M.-Y., Chen, H., & Golecki, H. Factors Influencing Research Identities in Minority Gender Students in Electrical Engineering, Frontiers in Education, Washington, D.C. (October 2024)
  2. Wandke, K. E., & Schmitz, C. D., & Schuh, J. K., & Shao, Y. V., Work in Progress: Examination of Video Demonstrations as an Alternate Content-Delivery Method. ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Portland, Oregon. (June 2024)—48382
  3. Renna, M. L., & Lawson-Bulten, E., Tailoring DEIA Programming through Current Field Analysis: Promoting Allyship in STEM of University Graduate Students. Collaborative Network for Engineering & Computing Diversity (CoNECD), Arlington, Virginia. (February 2024)
  4. Smith, C. and Tissenbaum, M., The REACH System: Boundary Spanning’s Support of Distributed Collaborative Making, FabLearn Conference, New York City, NY. (October 2023)
  5. Cifuentes-Urtubey, F., & Baldaguez Medina, P. A., & Lorenzo, J. E., & Mamaril, N., Peer Mentorship in a Virtual University Setting: A Hispanic Perspective on How Mentorship Broadens Participation in Advanced Degrees. ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Baltimore, Maryland. (June 2023)
  6. Chen, H., Kulkarni, M., Huang, A., Lin, M.-Y., Golecki, H. M., and Cusick, R., Connecting Motivations for Graduate School with Learning Experiences of Engineering Undergraduates: A Gender Perspective, ASEE Illinois-Indiana Section Conference, Edwardsville, IL. (June 2023)
  7. Ding, X., Sun, K., Xiao, Z., Varadhan, S., Li, J., Gersich, N., Agarwal, A., Gopannagari, M., Vogiatzis, C., Dalpiaz, D., Amos, J., Angrave, L., and Liu, H. Evaluating the Low-Stakes Assessment Performance, Student Perceived Accessibility, Belongingness, and Self-Efficacy in Connection to the Use of Digital Notes in Engineering and Computing Courses, ASEE Annual Conference. Baltimore, MD. (June 2023)
  8. Lin, M., Golecki, H., Espenhahn, L., Raftery, E., Huang, A., and Kulkarni, M., Supporting Students with Minoritized Gender Identities in Research: The Design and Assessment of an Initiative in Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Baltimore, MD. (June 2023)
  9. Parthasarathy, A., Nigam, R., Gupta, A., Kopperstad, T. E., Pirosmanishvili, A., and Saxton-Fox, T. A. Supporting Graduate Women in Engineering: The Approach and Findings of a Year-Long Program at UIUC, in ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. Baltimore, MD. (June 2023)
  10. Giglietti, K.M., Gaskin, H.R., and Pool, M. Partnerships to Create Opportunity through Informal Learning, ASEE Illinois-Indiana Section Conference, Edwardsville, IL. (April 2023) 10.18260/1-2-1130-45094
  11. Liu, H., Angrave, L., Amos, J., Dalpiaz, D., Vogiatzis, C., Xiao, Z.Y., Varadhan, S., and Louie J. A., Digital Book-Based Pedagogy to Improve Course Content Accessibility for Students With and Without Disabilities in Engineering and Other STEM courses (WIP), ASEE Conference 2022, best DEI paper award in NEE session, Minneapolis, MN. (June 2022)
  12. Smith, C. and Tissenbaum, M., REACH Projector: Remote Embodiment for Augmented Collaborative Help, Computer Supported Collaborative Learning under International Society of the Learning Sciences Annual Meeting, Hiroshima, Japan. (June 2022)
  13. Bawankule, A., Hebert, L., Tinoco, R.O., Dace, T.D., Demystifying STEM Together: Parents as Partners in Making Engineering More Inclusive (Work in Progress), American Society of Engineering Education, Minneapolis, MN (June 2022)
  14. Harris, H., Radecka, A., Malik, R., Pineda Guzman, R. A., Santoso, J., Bradshaw, A., McCain, M., Kersh, M., and Golecki, H. Development and Characterization of Biostable Hydrogel Robotic Actuators for Implantable Devices: Tendon Actuated Gelatin. 2022 Design of Medical Devices Conference, Minneapolis, MN. (April 2022)
  15. Sikligar, D., Nguessan, L., Pham, D., Grupper, J., Beaudette, A., Ling, A., Walsh, C., and Golecki, H. M., Design of a Textile Sensor Embedded Shirt for Posture Monitoring, 2022 Design of Medical Devices Conference, Minneapolis, MN. (April 2022)
  16. Ojha, V., Platero, R. E., and Bullock, B. B., Forming and Fulfilling Expectations: Perspectives of Underrepresented Computer Science Doctoral Students, 2022 CoNECD (Collaborative Network for Engineering & Computing Diversity), New Orleans, Louisiana. (February 2022)
  17. Prabhu, N., Azevedo, R., Bhat, S., Perry, M., and Angrave, L. Partners Matter: Impacts on Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Outcomes, ASEE Virtual Annual Conference, (July 2021)
  18. Radecka, A., Bradshaw, A., Cardenas, J., Lamer, S. X., James, I. H., and Golecki, H. M., Development of Multidisciplinary, Undergraduate-Led Research Program in Soft Robotics, 2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference. (July 2021)

Conference Presentations - External

  1. Espenhahn, L., Raftery, E., Lin, M.-Y., Chen, H., & Golecki, H. Factors Influencing Research Identities in Minority Gender Students in Electrical Engineering, Frontiers in Education, Washington, D.C. [oral presentation] (October 2024)
  2. Wandke, K., Schmitz, C., Schuh, K., Shao, Y., Work in Progress: Examination of Video Demonstrations as an Alternate Content-Delivery Method, ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Portland, OR. [poster presentation] (June 2024)
  3. Renna, M. L., & Lawson-Bulten, E., Tailoring DEIA Programming through Current Field Analysis: Promoting Allyship in STEM of University Graduate Students. Collaborative Network for Engineering & Computing Diversity (CoNECD), Arlington, Virginia. [oral presentation] (February 2024)
  4. Schleife, A., Leal, C., Afterschool Academy and Teachers Camp for a Diverse Undergraduate Population. Materials Research Society Spring Meeting & Exhibit, Seattle, Washington. [oral presentation] (April 2024)
  5. Smith, C. and Tissenbaum, M., The REACH System: Boundary Spanning’s Support of Distributed Collaborative Making, FabLearn Conference, New York City, NY. [oral presentation] (October 2023
  6. Cifuentes-Urtubey, F., & Baldaguez Medina, P. A., & Lorenzo, J. E., & Mamaril, N., Peer Mentorship in a Virtual University Setting: A Hispanic Perspective on How Mentorship Broadens Participation in Advanced Degrees. ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Baltimore, Maryland. [oral presentation] (June 2023)
  7. Chen, H., Kulkarni, M., Huang, A., Lin, M.-Y., Golecki, H. M., and Cusick, R., Connecting motivations for graduate school with learning experiences of engineering undergraduates: A gender perspective, in 2023 ASEE Illinois-Indiana Section Conference, Edwardsville, IL. [oral presentation] (June 2023)
  8. Ding, X., Sun, K., Xiao, Z., Varadhan, S., Li, J., Gersich, N., Agarwal, A., Gopannagari, M., Vogiatzis, C., Dalpiaz, D., Amos, J., Angrave, L., and Liu, H. Evaluating the Low-Stakes Assessment Performance, Student Perceived Accessibility, Belongingness, and Self-Efficacy in Connection to the Use of Digital Notes in Engineering and Computing Courses, ASEE Annual Conference. Baltimore, MD. [oral presentation] (June 2023)
  9. Lin, M., Golecki, H., Espenhahn, L., Raftery, E., Huang, A., and Kulkarni, M., Supporting Students with Minoritized Gender Identities in Research: The Design and Assessment of an Initiative in Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Baltimore, MD. [oral presentation] (June 2023)
  10. Parthasarathy, A., Nigam, R., Gupta, A., Kopperstad, T. E., Pirosmanishvili, A., and Saxton-Fox, T. A. Supporting graduate minority genders in engineering: approach and preliminary findings of a year-long, student-led program at UIUC, in ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. Baltimore, MD. [oral presentation] (June 2023)
  11. Lin, M.-Y., Chen, H., Kulkarni, M., Huang, A., Raftery, L., Espenhahn, L., Figueroa-Carrillo, M., & Golecki, H. HUG Initiative: The Design and Assessment of an Initiative to Support Students in Research. Geospace Environment Modeling 2023 Summer Workshop, San Diego, CA. [poster presentation] (June 2023)
  12. Giglietti, K.M., Gaskin, H.R., and Pool, M. Partnerships to Create Opportunity through Informal Learning, ASEE Illinois-Indiana Section Conference, Edwardsville, IL. [oral presentation] (April 2023)
  13. Chen, H., Lin, M.-Y., Kulkarni, M., Huang, A., Golecki, H., and Cusick, R. D. HUG Initiative: Promoting research careers for ciswomen, transgender and nonbinary people, AGU Fall Meeting 2022, Chicago, IL. [poster presentation] (December 2022)
  14. Cifuentes-Urtubey, F. and Baldaguez Medina, P. Peer Mentoring Towards Graduate School for Hispanic Engineering Students, Poster presented at the 2022 Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) National Convention’s Engineering Science Symposium, Charlotte, NC. (November 2022)
  15. Liu, H. and Angrave, L. Understanding the needs of students with disabilities based on Universal Design of Learning and some implementations. Invited talk in lecture format. Accessing Higher Ground Annual Conference. (November 2022)
  16. Lee, A., Hussain, S., Yoon, A., Albright, B., Jawad, M., Gaughan, E., and Martin, R. Exploring the Classroom Use of ASL Aspire: A STEM Vocabulary Platform for Deaf Students. Biomedical Engineering Society National Conference. San Antonio, Texas. [poster presentation] (October 2022)
  17. Liu, H., Angrave, L., Amos, J., Dalpiaz, D., Vogiatzis, C., Xiao, Z.Y., Varadhan, S., and Louie J. A., Digital Book-Based Pedagogy to Improve Course Content Accessibility for Students with and without Disabilities in Engineering and other STEM courses (WIP), ASEE Conference, Minneapolis, MN. [oral presentation] (June 2022)
  18. Bawankule, A., Hebert, L., Tinoco, R.O., Dace, T.D., Demystifying STEM Together: Parents as Partners in Making Engineering More Inclusive (Work in Progress), American Society of Engineering Education, Minneapolis, MN [oral presentation] (June 2022)
  19. Smith, C. and Tissenbaum, M., REACH Projector: Remote Embodiment for Augmented Collaborative Help, Computer Supported Collaborative Learning under International Society of the Learning Sciences Annual Meeting, Hiroshima, Japan. (June 2022)
  20. Gutierrez, P. B. and Leman, A. Influence of Bilingual Extracurricular Mentoring Experience in STEM, Cambio de Colores Conference, St. Louis, MO. [poster presentation] (June 2022)
  21. Harris, H., Radecka, A., Malik, R., Pineda Guzman, R. A., Santoso, J., Bradshaw, A., McCain, M., Kersh, M., and Golecki, H. Development and Characterization of Biostable Hydrogel Robotic Actuators for Implantable Devices: Tendon Actuated Gelatin. 2022 Design of Medical Devices Conference, Minneapolis, MN. (April 2022)
  22. Sikligar, D., Nguessan, L., Pham, D., Grupper, J., Beaudette, A., Ling, A., Walsh, C., and Golecki, H. M., Design of a Textile Sensor Embedded Shirt for Posture Monitoring, 2022 Design of Medical Devices Conference, Minneapolis, MN. (April 2022)
  23. Ojha, V., Platero, R., and Bullock, B. Forming and Fulfilling Expectations: Perspectives of Underrepresented Computer Science Doctoral Students, CoNECD 2022, New Orleans, LA. [oral presentation] (February 2022)
  24. Prabhu, N., Azevedo, R., Bhat, S., Perry, M., and Angrave, L. Partners Matter: Impacts on Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Outcomes, ASEE Virtual Annual Conference, [virtual presentation] (July 2021)
  25. Radecka, A., Bradshaw, A., Cardenas, J., Lamer, S. X., James, I. H., and Golecki, H. M., Development of Multidisciplinary, Undergraduate-Led Research Program in Soft Robotics, ASEE Virtual Annual Conference. [virtual presentation] (July 2021)

Conference Presentations - Internal

  1. Espenhahn, L., Raftery, E., Kulkarni, M., Figueroa-Carrillo, M., Lin, M.-Y., Chen, H., & Golecki, H. Gender in Electrical & Computer Engineering: Researcher Identity & Mentorship. IDEA Conference, Urbana, IL. [poster presentation] (April 2024)
  2. Bawankule, A., Hebert, L., Dace, T., Smith, K., Conerly, R., Tinoco, R., Diaz, R., Rivera, B., Gonzalez, C., Favila, I., & Jones, K., Accessible Pathways into STEM. IDEA Conference, Urbana, IL. [poster presentation] (April 2024)
  3. Bradley, J., Lee, M., & Mendenhall, R., Increasing Algebra 1 Grades Through a Joy of Math Community Homework Hotline. IDEA Conference, Urbana, IL. [poster presentation] (April 2024)
  4. Bruhn, C., Jeng, A., Comer, W., Koe, K., Wilson, G., Fields, L., & Mensing, B., In League with STEM. IDEA Conference, Urbana, IL. [poster presentation] (April 2024)
  5. Ding, X., Gopannagari, M., Sun, K., Tao, A., Zhao, D. L., Varadhan, S., Vogiatzis, C., Hardy, B., L. B., Dalpiaz, D., Angrave, L., & Liu, H., Evaluation of LLMs and Other Machine Learning Methods in the Analysis of Qualitative Survey Responses for Accessible Engineering Education Research. IDEA Conference, Urbana, IL. [poster presentation] (April 2024)
  6. Kenis, P., O’Brien, V., Jones, I., & Shah, V., Evaluating STEM Identity Development in Racially Under-represented Elementary School Students through the St. Elmo Brady Academy. IDEA Conference, Urbana, IL. [poster presentation] (April 2024)
  7. Leal, C., Schleife, A., Bean, C., & Pak, A., MatSE Afterschool Academy. IDEA Conference, Urbana, IL. [poster presentation] (April 2024)
  8. Lin, M.-Y., Chen, H., Kulkarni, M., & Huang, A., HUG Initiative: Promoting Research Careers for Ciswomen, Transgender, and Nonbinary People. IDEA Conference, Urbana, IL. [poster presentation] (April 2024)
  9. Pool, M., Dietrich, S., Dean, R., & Espino, S., Partnerships to Create Opportunity Through Mentoring and Informal Learning. IDEA Conference, Urbana, IL. [poster presentation] (April 2024)
  10. Reck, R., Ansell, K., Schmitz, C., Golecki, H. M., Radhakrishnan, C., TerBush, J., Mussulman, D., & Taylor, N., Fostering Inclusive Lab and Design Courses. IDEA Conference, Urbana, IL. [poster presentation] (April 2024)
  11. Shi, J., & Lawson-Bulten, E., Allies in STEM: Review of Graduate Programming to Shift the Atmosphere of STEM. IDEA Conference, Urbana, IL. [poster presentation] (April 2024)
  12. Kulkarni, M., Huang, A., Figueroa-Carrillo, M., Chen, H., Lin, M-Y., & Golecki, H. M. The Historically Underrepresented Genders (HUG) Initiative: Motivations for Pursuing Graduate School Among ECE Undergraduates. Undergraduate Research Symposium, Urbana, IL. [oral presentation] (April 2023)
  13. Jawad, M., Lee, A., Hussain, S., Jog, A., and Nagalkar, A. Learning To Sign Through Games: An ASL STEM Vocabulary App. Undergraduate Research Symposium, Champaign, Illinois. [poster presentation]. (April 2023)
  14. Bhat, S., Angrave, L., Perry, M., Leitao, R. F., & Prabhu, N., Using Study Partners to Broaden Participation. IDEA Conference, Urbana, IL. [poster presentation] (April 2023)
  15. Cifuentes-Urtubey, F., & Baldaguez Medina, P. A., Peer Mentorship in a Virtual University Setting. IDEA Conference, Urbana, IL. [poster presentation] (April 2023)
  16. Gonzalez, D., & Reiter, L., Grainger College of Engineering Graduate Student Diversity Ambassadors. IDEA Conference, Urbana, IL. [poster presentation] (April 2023)
  17. Gutierrez, P. B., Leman, A., Hernandez, A., Denos, S., Marquez, I., Rosado-Rosa, J., Diaz, R., Pena-Martin, P., & de Jesús Astacio, L., Cena y Ciencias: A Model for Family-Centered Outreach in Underserved Communities. IDEA Conference, Urbana, IL. [poster presentation] (April 2023)
  18. Golecki, H., Favila, I., & Mamaril, N., Building Confidence and Increasing Engagement through Undergraduate Research. IDEA Conference, Urbana, IL. [poster presentation] (April 2023)
  19. Jawad, M., Lee, A., Hussain, S., Jog, A., & Nagalkar, A., ASL Aspire: A Game-Based Vocabulary Platform for Deaf Students. IDEA Conference, Urbana, IL. [poster presentation] (April 2023)
  20. Leal, C., Schleife, A., Bean, C., Pak, A., & Pichman, H., MatSE Afterschool Academy. IDEA Conference, Urbana, IL. [poster presentation] (April 2023)
  21. Lin, M.-Y., Chen, H., Kulkarni, M., & Huang, A., HUG Initiative: Promoting Research Careers for Ciswomen, Transgender, and Nonbinary People. IDEA Conference, Urbana, IL. [poster presentation] (April 2023)
  22. Liu, H., Angrave, L., Dalpiaz, D., Vogiatzis, C., Amos, J., Xiao, Z., Varadhan, S., Sun, K., Gersich, N., Ding, X., Agarwal, A., Tao, A., & Li, T., Applying a Theoretical Understanding of Text-Based Learning Modalities To Develop New Course Modalities That Meet the Needs of Students With Disabilities. IDEA Conference, Urbana, IL. [poster presentation] (April 2023)
  23. Nigam, R., Parthasarathy, A., Gupta, A., & Kopperstad, T., Graduate Orientation for Women (GrOW). IDEA Conference, Urbana, IL. [poster presentation] (April 2023)
  24. Pool, M., Huntt, M. B., Gaskins, R., & Giglietti, K., Partnerships to Create Opportunity Through Mentoring and Informal Learning. IDEA Conference, Urbana, IL. [poster presentation] (April 2023)
  25. Smith, C., Hall, K., & Tissenbaum, M., REACH Projector: Remote Embodiment for Augmented Collaborative Help. IDEA Conference, Urbana, IL. [poster presentation] (April 2023)
  26. Xu, L., Renna, M., & Lawson-Bulten, E., Allies in STEM. IDEA Conference, Urbana, IL. [poster presentation] (April 2023)
  27. Aguilar-Romero, J., Lusebrink, R., Xu, L., Renna, M., Wo, A., Cifuentes-Urtubey, F., & Watabe, S., Allies in STEM. IDEA Conference, Urbana, IL. [poster presentation] (April 2022)
  28. Bhat, S., Angrave, L., Perry, M., Leitao, R. F., & Prabhu, N., Using Study Partners to Broaden Participation. IDEA Conference, Urbana, IL. [poster presentation] (April 2022)
  29. Brown, J., Ott-Monsivais, S., Gerhold, L., Craddock, H., & Meline, B., Leadership and Excellence in Engineering Pathways. IDEA Conference, Urbana, IL. [poster presentation] (April 2022)
  30. Cifuentes-Urtubey, F., & Baldaguez Medina, P., Peer Mentorship in a Virtual University Setting. IDEA Conference, Urbana, IL. [poster presentation] (April 2022)
  31. Dahmen, K., & Snyder, P., High School Physics Mentoring Program. IDEA Conference, Urbana, IL. [poster presentation] (April 2022)
  32. Denos, S., Diaz, R., Leman, A., Pena-Martin, P., Menanteau, F., de Jesús Astacio, L., & Gutierrez, P.B., Cena y Ciencias: A Model for Family-Centered Outreach in Underserved Communities. IDEA Conference, Urbana, IL. [poster presentation] (April 2022)
  33. Golecki, H., Favila, I., Mamaril, N., & Harrison James, I., Building Confidence and Increasing Engagement through Undergraduate Research. IDEA Conference, Urbana, IL. [poster presentation] (April 2022)
  34. Hebert, L., Bawankule, A., Tinoco, R., Dace, T., Hand, B., & Cervantes, A., Identifying Misconceptions of Access of Underrepresented Groups in Engineering (IMAGINE). IDEA Conference, Urbana, IL. [poster presentation] (April 2022)
  35. Hebert, L., Cervantes, A., & Bautista Aromin, M., WYSE Trail Blazers. IDEA Conference, Urbana, IL. [poster presentation] (April 2022)
  36. Leal, C., Schleife, A., Ajifolokun, I., Bean, C., & Pak, A., MatSE Afterschool Academy. IDEA Conference, Urbana, IL. [poster presentation] (April 2022)
  37. Liu, H., Angrave, L., Dalpiaz, D., Vogiatzis, C., Amos, J., Xiao, Z., Varadhan, S., Louie, J., & Moparthi, D., Applying a Theoretical Understanding of Text-Based Learning Modalities To Develop New Course Modalities That Meet the Needs of Students With Disabilities. IDEA Conference, Urbana, IL. [poster presentation] (April 2022)
  38. Platero, R., Ojha, V., & Bullock, B., Decreasing Barriers for Underrepresented Groups by Clarifying Expectations in Graduate School. IDEA Conference, Urbana, IL. [poster presentation] (April 2022)
  39. Smith, C., Hall, K., & Tissenbaum, M., REACH Projector: Remote Embodiment for Augmented Collaborative Help. IDEA Conference, Urbana, IL. [poster presentation] (April 2022)
  40. Williams, T., Amato, N., & Jensen, K., Designing an Inclusive Language Framework that Cultivates Inclusive Cultures for Black Students, Faculty, and Staff. IDEA Conference, Urbana, IL. [poster presentation] (April 2022)
  41. Yamada, S., Key, M., Tizora, V., & Nguessan, L., Three-pronged Approach for Retention of Underrepresented Minority Students. IDEA Conference, Urbana, IL. [poster presentation] (April 2022)
  42. Clark, J. V., Edwards, L., Key, M., Yamada, S., & Tizora, V., RISE UP @ Illinois: A Student- Powered Initiative to Improve the Climate for Underrepresented Persons at UIUC. IDEA Conference, Urbana, IL. [virtual presentation] (April 2021)
  43. Aguilar-Romero, J., Lusebrink, R., Xu, L., Renna, M., Wo, A., Cifuentes-Urtubey, F., & Watabe, S., Allies in STEM. IDEA Conference, Urbana, IL. [virtual presentation] (April 2021)
  44. Amato, N., Jensen, K., & Williams, T. L., Designing an Inclusive Language Framework that Cultivates Inclusive Cultures for Black Students, Faculty, and Staff. IDEA Conference, Urbana, IL. [virtual presentation] (April 2021)
  45. Cifuentes-Urtubey, F., Baldaguez Medina, P., & Lorenzo, J., Peer Mentorship in a Virtual University Setting. IDEA Conference, Urbana, IL. [virtual presentation] (April 2021)
  46. Leal, C., Schleife, A., Cofell, E., & Ajifolokun, I., MatSE Afterschool Academy. IDEA Conference, Urbana, IL. [virtual presentation] (April 2021)
  47. Golecki, H., & Lamer, S., GIANT: Building Confidence and Increasing Engagement through Undergraduate Research. IDEA Conference, Urbana, IL. [virtual presentation] (April 2021)
  48. Platero, R., Ojha, V., Bullock, B., & Jensen, K., Decreasing Barriers for CS PhD Students from Underrepresented Groups. IDEA Conference, Urbana, IL. Virtual presentation] (April 2021)
  49. Hebert, L., Cervantes, A., & Bautista Aromin, M., WYSE Trail Blazers. IDEA Conference, Urbana, IL. [virtual presentation] (April 2021)
  50. Snyder, P., Rising Scholars Program @ Illinois. IDEA Conference, Urbana, IL [virtual presentation] (2021)
  51. Smith, C., Hall, K., Tissenbaum, M., REACH Projector: Remote Embodiment for Augmented Collaborative Help. IDEA Conference, Urbana, IL. [virtual presentation (April 2021)