
Understanding and Addressing Racism

The IDEA institute offers anti-racism resources including webinars, blogs, reading materials, action items, talks, and more.

Anti-Racism Task Force (ARTF)


Past Events

Amplified: Race and Reality in STEM
This series aims to give a national platform to speakers to have candid conversations around race and diversity in the STEM fields. Launched in 2020 as part of Gladstone’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, this series is hosted in partnership with Georgia Tech, the Molecular Engineering & Sciences Institute at University of Washington, and The University of Texas at Austin. We hope these discussions spark change throughout the sciences.

Learn More About Amplified


Racializing COVID-19: A 3-Part Series About the Intersections of Race and COVID-19
View part 1 | View part 2 | View part 3

Anti-Racism Summer Learning Series
Recordings coming soon.

ASEE Summer Workshops
Watch session recordings here.

Anti-Asian Racism Resources

Actions and Resources

Stand Against Hatred
A website made by Asian Americans Advancing Justice. The website has multiple resources that can help. It has a learning section for what is hate?, how to intervene as a bystander, and hate crime laws. Also included is a list of resources that visitors can use to respond to racism against Asian Americans. There is also an option on the website to report any hate that you have experienced or witnessed.

Stop AAPI Hate
A similar website to Stand Against Hatred. Also offers an option to report any incident against Asian Americans that you have experienced or witnessed. The website also has a list of news articles and reports that are related to Anti-Asian incidents.

Resources For Champaign-Urbana’s Asian American and Pacific Islander Communities
A collection of resources organized by the City of Champaign that specifically deal with hate against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. The resources include how to report hate crimes against Asian Americans in the C-U community as well as promoting local resources and organizations that individuals have access to.

Asian American Cultural Center
The Asian American Cultural Center is an organization on campus that is committed to supporting the lives of Asian American students attending the University of Illinois. They have resources on how to combat AAPI hate as well as videos and solidarity statements from the University against AAPI hate as well.


Asian American Racial Justice Toolkit
This is a toolkit that was made by the Chinese Progressive Association. It consists of three distinct parts. The first part of the toolkit is a series of 15 modules that handle different topics of racial justice. The second part of the toolkit is a series on how different organizations have combated racial injustice and its messages. The last part of the tool kit is resources that people can use to 

Bystander Intervention by Hollaback
This is a short visual guide on how someone can intervene as a bystander against harassment. It is a general guide and does not specifically target hate against Asian-Americans. The guide was made by Hollaback which is a grassroots initiative that targets street and public harassment.


Stop AAPI Hate: New Data on Anti-Asian Hate Incidents Against Elderly and Total National Incidents in 2020
Data compiled by Stop AAPI Hate shows that Anti-Asian hate has gone up in the past year on a national level.