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In an ever-evolving world, access to quality education is the foundation upon which dreams are built. The American Sign Language (ASL) -ASPIRE project is bringing that foundation within reach for deaf and hard of hearing students. In a candid interview with the project's key members, Mona Jawad and Ayesha Kazi, we explore the objectives, impact, and remarkable achievements of this innovative initiative.

ASL-ASPIRE aims to revolutionize STEM education for deaf and hard of hearing students. The mission of ASL-ASPIRE is clear: to create engaging educational games that provide better access to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) for this underserved population. These games not only educate, but also entertain, making learning a fun and immersive experience.

The project started with middle school deaf students, who are at a crucial phase in the development of their core scientific knowledge. ASL-ASPIRE and has expanded its reach to all K-12 grades, which promises to make STEM education more accessible and inclusive.

Notable Impact

ASL-ASPIRE, with the support of the GIANT program, has reached 300 students across four states. The impact has been twofold. First, students receive exposure to STEM terms, which is an essential component of the students’ development as scholars. Deaf students often face language deprivation, and ASL-ASPIRE bridges this gap, providing students with the scientific content they need to excel. Second, ASL-ASPIRE exposes students to deaf scientist role models, offering students inspiration and hope that they can achieve their dreams. This emotional connection is a powerful motivator and encourages more deaf students to stay in school and realize their potential.

“There is no other curriculum for science that is made with deaf and hard of hearing kids in mind.”

Team members express their gratitude for the inspiration and impact they receive through heartfelt feedback. Messages from parents and the enthusiasm on social media platforms fuel the team's motivation and keeps the momentum going.

ASL-ASPIRE stands as a beacon of hope and opportunity for deaf and hard of hearing students in the world of STEM education. Through innovative games, a commitment to inclusivity, and a passion for making a difference, the ASL-ASPIRE project is bridging gaps, breaking barriers, and creating pathways for students to reach their full potential.  

Learn more about ASL-ASPIRE

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This story was published April 26, 2024.